This episodes opens with Kirk and crew chasing a ship through an astroid belt. Putting the Enterprise in danger and just barely getting the crew off the renegade ship before it's destroyed by an astroid. On board the flamboyant smuggler Harcourt Fenton Mudd and his three 60's sultry vixens. Here's the rub. The enterprise seems to have run all out of lithium crystals saving Mudd and his ladies and has to change course to Rigel XXI a Lithium mining planet. The crew of the ship can't seem to help but ogle the ladies and it's quickly discovered they have a hypnotic effect on the crew. An onboard trial confirms Mudd's criminal past and he is placed under space arrest. The ladies it seems are to be wedded to desolate outpost where the need for lovely space vagina is most needed. Using the ladies Mudd manages to contact the three male members of Rigel XXI's mining crew and work out a deal, the crystals for the ladies and Mudd's freedom. Kirk wants none of this but eventually acquiesces when the ship, low on power, is about to spiral down and crash into the planet. It turns out however that Mudd's women are actually quite homely and are kept beautiful by the Venus drug. In the end after a rather embarrassing monologue that points out how male dominated the 60's were the ladies are accepted by the miners, even though they are "ugly." whaaaaa!?...... You see kids it's the inner beauty that we posses that makes horny lithium crystal miners want us.

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