Go ahead, hit play.
You're probably wondering why I called you here. It's to announce that I'll be blogging my way through every episode in the entire Trek canon. But... Jesus Corey, that would take like two years, we'll my nebbish friends it will take almost exactly two years. I've crunched the numbers and they work out like this.
Star Trek the Original Series: 3 seasons (79 Episodes)
Star Trek the Animated Series: Two Seasons (22 Episodes)
Star Trek Movies (6 Films)
Star Trek the Next Generation: Seven Seasons (178 Episodes)
Next Generation Movies (4 Films)
Star Trek Deep Space Nine: (176 Episodes)
Star Trek Enterprise Voyager (172 Episodes)
Star Trek Enterprise (98 Episodes)
2009 Star Trek re-boot (1 Film)
= One crippled mind.
I love me some Trek don't get me wrong. Hell I even went to the Superbowl of Trek conventions to see Nimoy and Shatner on the same stage. (It was awesome they served beer and I saw a sad-sack looking Chekhov alone at his table on my way to grab a foamer during the main event) I dug the Next Generation and T.O.S. growing up but I always thought Deep Space Nine sucked balls, I mean they never went anywhere and that was the whole fucking point in my book so I quickly lost interest in Trek as a whole.

Next Generation Movies (4 Films)
Star Trek Deep Space Nine: (176 Episodes)
Star Trek Enterprise Voyager (172 Episodes)
Star Trek Enterprise (98 Episodes)
2009 Star Trek re-boot (1 Film)
= One crippled mind.
I love me some Trek don't get me wrong. Hell I even went to the Superbowl of Trek conventions to see Nimoy and Shatner on the same stage. (It was awesome they served beer and I saw a sad-sack looking Chekhov alone at his table on my way to grab a foamer during the main event) I dug the Next Generation and T.O.S. growing up but I always thought Deep Space Nine sucked balls, I mean they never went anywhere and that was the whole fucking point in my book so I quickly lost interest in Trek as a whole.
I wish I could give a better reason for doing this other than "I couldn't find anyone else who has." It was one of those things you think of and then you think "well somebody has done it, right?" You get kind of excited then Google reminds you that you're really not that clever after all. I mean I scoured the internets for some sour smelling obese gentlemen with a daily Trek blog and came up short. Sooooo... Here we go Episode 1 of the Original Series.
Star Trek The Original Series
Episode: 01
"The Man Trap"
Stardate: 1513.1
Writers: Marc Daniels, George Clayton Johnson

The first episode really sets the tone for the old joke about wearing a red uniform, Unless your Kirk, Spock or McCoy for god sakes don't beam down, your most likely fucked. Four Crewmen loose there life to a shapeshifting salt junkie of an Alien. Kirk and crew visit a desolate archeological dig on planet M-113 to do routine medical examinations on McCoy's old flame and her new husband Mr. and Mrs Crater. After disposable crewman Darnell gets the Sodium Chloride sucked from his body they begin to suspect something is amiss with the Archeologist and their inquires into salt tablets. Things happen, beaming goes on, shapes are shifted and the slowest of fight scenes ends the episode with MCoy having to phaser the shit out of the woman he used to love, only to find out she was nothing but a salt whore of an alien all along. All in all a pretty good inaugural episode. You see that Spock is all science and no play as he smacks down advances from Lt. Uhura and we are introduced to Kirk's general badassery as he demands the takedown of the last of an entire species. Prime Directive be damned. We are also introduced to Yeoman Janice Rand with whom I hope to make beautiful space babies with someday. I was disappointed in the 23rd century office placards though.

I think the signs are 23rd C. retro style. Awesome blog too. Maybe you should start each one with a stardate, which would make you the Kirk of blog-dom.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Joseph I'll implement that soon I found a sweet star-date calculator here http://www.hillschmidt.de/gbr/sternenzeit.htm
ReplyDeleteI smell a schtick lit book deal out of this!