This episode is classic Trek getting to the heart

of the human condition style shit. In this
installment a transporter accident leads to the literal case of a man breaking down to the id, the ego, and the William Shatner. What transpires is a goldmine of Kirk facial exaggerations.
While on a geographical exploration of Alpha 177 a crew member is beamed up with some sort of space ore that effects the magnetic something or another with the transporter. When
Kirk beams up from the planet he is split into two Kirks, one made up of all the "negative"

aspects and one of al the "good." The problem you see is that it's the negative aspects mixed
with the positive ones that make Kirk Kirk. Without his inner moral compa
ss to he goes on a
Saurian brandy bender and attempts to get space freaky on Yeoman Janice Rand. Now that's just not cool evil Kirk. Eventually after a Spock brings down the Vulcan thunder with a nerve pinch Evil Kirk is restrained and the now indecisive and frightened good Kirk must make the risky decision to use the transporter to join the two Kirks together together again.
This good Kirk, bad Kirk wrangling is made all the more urgent due to the fact that Sulu and the rest of the landing party are stuck on Alpha 177's surface that plummeting to extreme colds as night falls. After some sweet Kirk on Kirk action they are both transported and brought back as one. This episode is classic.
It also has this sweet shot of Sulu carrying a little horned dog. The second least gay thing Sulu does.

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