I'm no Federation specialist on communicable diseases but when beamed down to a planet where everybody is dead under unusual circumstances I would advise against doing this.

In the enusing madness Lt. Kevin Riley the ships navigator takes control leading the ship on a collision course with the planet they were sent to witness the destruction of. The space madness it turns out replicates the effects of severe intoxication and breaks down inhibitions causing Spock to break down. Loosing control of his Vulcan emotional side Spock's human side begins to weep like a child.

Eventually Bones comes up with a "space madness serum" and Kirk and Scotty come up with a risky maneuver to get the ship out of an orbit that would have caused them to crash into the planet PSI 2000. This maneuver, something to with with matter and anti-matter, causes to the ship to go back in time three days and sets the stage for lots of time traveling in the future I am sure.
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