Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 13: Star Trek the Original Series " The Conscience of the King"

It seems Trekking every day can become a bit of a pain in the ass. Logistically doing the blog every day just isn't feasible. Even Kirk is fallible in some ways right? (trick question, the answer of course is no) I'll try to post every day but hey shit happens and If I find myself hung over after an all night Saurian Brandy bender I won't be posting.

Ok, Let's get to it. This episode deals with the age old question "do I kill 4000 people to save 4000 others?" I know I asked myself this just the other day when I noticed someone used the last Post-Its at the office. Kirk's buddy Dr. Leighton brings him to Planet Q under false pretenses to inform him that he believes the leader of a traveling acting troupe might be the infamous Kodos "the Executioner." Kodos earned the moniker "the executioner" twenty years earlier when he killed 4000 people in order to save 4000 others from starvation. Don't you remember the big famine on Tarsus IV where a space fungus had destroyed the ration supply.
It's simple right, pick up this Kodos character and put him on trial. Ahhh.....but the rub you see is that Kodos has an incredibly hot daughter that Kirk falls for complicating the matter. It's all very Shakespearean as we find out that It's Kirks new space lady that has been killing the only surviving people who can identify Kodos. She then kills her father on accident, on stage of course, in a sort of symbolic justice. (that wacky Shakespeare!) For the most part I became distracted by the incredibly low-fi way she attempted to poison Lt. Kevin Riley's milk. I mean is this how space poison is slipped into a drink in the 23rd century? It's a goddamn spray bottle.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 12: Star Trek the Original Series " The Menagerie, Part 2"

I've always thought these episodes kind of sucked. Basically the whole two parter is an excuse to cut the original pilot episode "The Cage" into the season thus saving the cost of making the pilot and producing an extra episode in a pinch. Meh... Read all about it here it's sort of convoluted and has Spock acting too out of character for my taste, it's all a bit forced. It does give you some insight into original production design and the Captain Pike the original choice to lead the Enterprise.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 10: Star Trek the Original Series " The Carbomite Maneuver"

Dear God, please save us from Clint Howard. It seems this freakish monster has been haunting the minds of man since he first appeared on the air in 1966. As if 1995's master piece the Ice Cream Man wasn't enough, Clint Howard has to appear into tonight's Trek episode like some sort of bald harbinger of death. The man who single handedly put back the bald cause fifty years rearers his glabrous dome to test the crew of the Enterprise. Does he dare show his freakish form to the crew right away? Oh no, he uses this much more aesthetically pleasing representation to lull the crew into a false sense of security.
Using what Kirk describes as a "poker" technique also know as "lying" he saves the enterprise from the young Clint Howard. Leaving behind a young Lt. Bailey to which I can only assume becomes Clint Howard's joy boy of some sort.

And here is yet another homoerotic picture of Kirk.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 9: Star Trek the Original Series "Dagger of the Mind"

Everybody do the Mind Meld!
First of all I would advise my readership never to voluntarily sit down in any devise with the name "Neural Neutralizer." Unfortunately for Kirk he thinks that testing out the old "neural neutralizer" on a penal colony that both Spock and Bones warned was dangerous is a totally acceptable idea. This episode finds Kirk crew thwarting the evil plans space warden Dr. Adams. Dr. Adams it seems uses his neutralizer to make suggestions to rehabilitate his prisoners leaving them the modern day equivalent of FOX news viewers.......ZING! Kirk being the general badass that he is fights his way through the suggestion and sends his incredibly hot assistant Dr. Noel to shut down the machine.

Other than the hot Dr. Noel and the first ever mind meld this episode is pretty run of the mill. Although there is a small moment near the end that Kirk shows a little vulnerability. Very little, I mean for fucks sake he's Kirk.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 8: Star Trek the Original Series "Miri"

Ok day 8. I'm still a little tired from yesterday's shoot in Tulsa and I've seen this episode quite a bit in syndication so I'm not going to go wax on and on. The Enterprise comes upon a planet that is identical to earth except for the fact that all of the adults have died off. It seems that a virus kills kids as they enter puberty but slows down their growth. This means that all the kids are hundreds of years old and Kirk and the landing party immediately get the virus. Unfortunately this means Yeoman Janice Rand's legs get all fucked up. Nooooooo..... Eventually Spock and Bones find a cure and all is well. Although, Bones does infect himself with a vaccine without knowing if it will kill him, and all he had to do was wait roughly six minutes or so. It seems a like a pretty dumb-ass move, but I guess it created tension and what not, because you think he might be dead for a minute or two. Solid episode, a planet full of kids is pretty scary. Although no explanation of the the planet looking exactly like earth is given and Michael J. Pollard looks exactly the same age as he does now. Coincidence? I think not.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 7: Star Trek the Original Series "What Are Little Girls Made of?"

Doing a shoot all day in Tulsa so today's post will be a bit brief. Kirk can make an android love. And I leave you with this.