Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 3: Star Trek the Original Series "Where No Man Has Gone Before"

Sorry for the inadequate post on this episode. Posting from the road is turing out to be a little trickier than I initially thought. If anyone knows of a good app that's Blogger friendly for the iPhone it would be appreciated. I just wanted to say That Yeoman Janice Rand has now been substituted by Elizabeth Dehner as my Star Trek love.

Also, nine crewman are killed in this episode meaning to date that's 13 crewman Kirk has lost under his command. It seems being stationed to the Enterprise is a bit of a death warrant. According to Kirk in the "Charlie X" episode there are only 428 crew members on board, so there are only 419 left. Get your shit together Kirk!

Ok, I'm Treking from the road so I'm not sure how this is going to work out. This episode was supposed to be first one on the air but was thought to be too cerebral. Short description: Space cloud, Kirks's old college buddy and the hot new psychiatrist on board turn into some sort of kick ass psychic gods, Kirk saves day after inter-god/human struggle. Sorry that's it I'm in Dallas and there's fucking Brother's pizza to eat!

-Corey out.

And if your ever in Dallas get some of the best pie ever.

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